Scala & Spark Links
Scala & Spark Links
Useful Links for learning Scala
- Scala overview from stackoverflow
- Programming in Scala by Martin Odersky A cool textbook for scala
- Scala School cheatsheet alike
Scala school started as a series of lectures at Twitter to prepare experienced engineers to be productive Scala programmers. Scala is a relatively new language, but draws on many familiar concepts. Thus, these lectures assumed the audience knew the concepts and showed how to use them in Scala. We found this an effective way of getting new engineers up to speed quickly. This is the written material that accompanied those lectures. We have found that these are useful in their own right.
Scala API Doc
Functional Programming Principles in Scala
Coursera:Learn about functional programming, and how it can be effectively combined with object-oriented programming. Gain practice in writing clean functional code, using the Scala programming language.
- Code Snippets
- Scala tabulate method - Use on List, Array, Vector, Seq, and more
- The groupBy method from Scala’s collection library
- Scala reduceLeft examples
- Difference between foldLeft and reduceLeft in Scala
Useful Links for learning Spark
- Fast Data Processing with Spark I don't recommend this book
- Spark Overview
- Spark Quick Start A cool tutorial! - Spark开发指南(0.8.1中文版) Cool, but out-of-date
- Spark Programming Guide
- Apache Spark学习:利用Scala语言开发Spark应用程序
- Writing Standalone Spark Programs
- Zaharia M, Chowdhury M, Das T, et al. Resilient distributed datasets: A fault-tolerant abstraction for in-memory cluster computing
- Sparks E R, Talwalkar A, Smith V, et al. MLI: An API for Distributed Machine Learning[J]. arXiv preprint arXiv:1310.5426, 2013.
- Xin R S, Gonzalez J E, Franklin M J, et al. Graphx: A resilient distributed graph system on spark