Non-negative Matrix Factorization

Non-negative Matrix Factorization

一 问题定义:

WRm×k以及HRk×n, 即:

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二 目标函数的形式:


2.1 可以定义为矩阵范数的形式:

minW,H f(W,H)=12AWH2F
subject to Wia0, Hbj0,i,a,b,j

其中.F 是矩阵的F范数(Frobenius norm,AF=(αij2)12)

2.2 也可以定义成KL散度(Kullback-Leibler divergence)的形式:

minW,H ni=1mj=1(VijlogVij(WH)ijVij+(WH)ij)
subject to Wia0,Hbj0,i,a,b,j

如果Vij=0 或者 (WHij)=0,那么上式不是良好定义的(well-defined).因此,严格来说不能说这样的目标函数形式是bound-constrained problem.所以,本文后面部分仅考虑矩阵范数形式的目标函数.

三 优化算法

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3.1 Multiplicative Update Methods


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To have Algo1 well-defined, one must ensure that denominators in (4) and (5) are strictly positive. Moreover, if Wkia=0 at the kth iteratoin, then Wia=0 at all subsequent iterations. The following theorem dicscuss when this property holds:

Theorem 1 If V has neither zero column nor row, and W1ia>0 and H1bj>0,i,a,b,j then

Wkia>0 andHkbj>0,i,a,b,j,k1

The overall cost of Algo1 is


Notes that, Thought Lee and Seung 2011[1] have shown that the loss functions value is non-increasing afger every update. However, Gonzales and Zhang indicate that this claim is wrong.
Therefore, this multiplicative update method still lacks optimization properties.

3.2 Alternating Least Squares(ALS)


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ALS will converge to a fixed point which may be a local extremum or a saddle point. The solution of Eqns. (9) and (10) can, for example, be computed using a QR-factorization or an LU-decomposition, or based on computing the pseudo inverse of H and H, respectively.

Formally, ALS has the following convergence result:
Theorem 2 Any limit point of the sequence Wk,Hk generated by Algo2 is a stationary point of the loss function(1)

In summary, contraty to Algo1, which still lacks convergence results, ALS has nice optimization properties.

3.3 Projected Gradient(PG)

The Projected Gradient bound-constrained optimizaton method used for NMF in two situations:

  1. solving the alternating non-negative least squares problems:
    Analogously to ALS, one factor (W or H) is updated while A and the other factor are kept constant:


    αH and αW are step-size parameters.
    The partial derivatives are Hf(Wt,Ht)=(WT)t(WtHtA)
    and Wf(Wt,Ht+1)=(WtHt+1A)(HT)t+1, respectively.

    This method is computationally very competitive and has better convergence properties than the standard MU approach in many cases.

  2. minimizing the loss function directly:
    In this method, projected gradient is used to directly minimize the loss function. From the current solution (Wt,Ht), both matrices are simultaneously updated to (Wt+1,Ht+1) in the general form:


3.4 Termination Criteria

  • a fixed number of iterations, the number if problem-dependent.
  • the approximation accuracy of the NMF loss function. This depends on the size and strucure of the data.
  • The relative change of factors W and H from one iteration to the next iteraion. If the change is below some pre-defined threshold δ, then terminates.

source code

  1. LibMF
  2. Python Matrix Factorization Module


  1. Seung D, Lee L. Algorithms for non-negative matrix factorization[J]. Advances in neural information processing systems, 2001, 13: 556-562.
  2. Janecek A, Grotthoff S S, Gansterer W N. libNMF--A Library for Nonnegative Matrix Factorization[J]. Computing and Informatics, 2012, 30(2): 205-224.
  3. Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF) by Chih-Jen Lin
  4. Gradient Projection and Reduced Gradient Methods
  5. Parallelism on the Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
  6. Matrix Factorization: A Simple Tutorial and Implementation in Python
  7. Lin C J. Projected gradient methods for nonnegative matrix factorization[J]. Neural computation, 2007, 19(10): 2756-2779.

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